On Tuesday the 23rd of February and Thursday the 25th of February, Savremena International School Students had the opportunity to visit the Mihajlo Pupin exhibition at the Historical Museum of Serbia entitled “Pupin – from physical to spiritual reality”.
The unique and interactive exhibition enchanted our students with its level of originality for which we have above all the great scientist and philanthropist himself to thank.
What did the students experience at the exhibition?
The organisers of the exhibition aimed to compensate for the long time when Pupin’s inventions were disregarded or not given the respect they are due and thus turn a new leaf with an exhibition that enabled visitors to find out interesting facts about Pupin’s life and work.
What Savremena’s students found the most interesting was the fact that the FBI followed Pupin’s work, that he had a role in the establishment of NASA, that he worked with US president Woodrow Wilson, famous scientists Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein as well as other notable personalities at the time.
The Historical Museum of Serbia has extended the duration of the exhibition due to great public interest.
Interactive exhibition
The versatility and genius of Pupin was emphasised through original ideas and solutions at the exhibition. Holograms, light shows, audio installations, 3D animations and the voice of Mihajlo Pupin which could be heard in all the hallways of the museum, are just some of the attractions at the exhibition.
As they flicked through Pupin’s autobiography “From pastures to scientist”, for which Pupin was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1924, students listened to Pupin’s voice narrate parts from the book.
Students could also use their mobile phones because that way they could establish a connection with the content of the exhibition. The application made especially for this occasion enabled students to find out more about Pupin’s childhood, education, life in America and other achievements depending on the section they were in.
The importance of the visit
Pupin’s personality and inventions are a constant source of inspiration for young minds. A genius as he was, even many years after his death, Pupin can be an excellent example of how knowledge and skills go along with humility and philanthropy. Pupin was famous for being a great humanitarian and for highlighting his heritage and helping his people.
Pupin was awarded with many awards and medals for his scientific achievements. He was a member of the French Academy of Sciences, the Serbian Royal Academy, the president of the New York Academy of Sciences and the President of American Association for the Advancement of Sciences as well as a Doctor of science, a title he was awarded by 18 different universities.
Everything they were able to hear and see at the exhibition further inspired Savremena’s students to follow Pupin’s work, focus on their education and aspire to achieve great results. That is also what the quote by Pupin’s mother alludes to - “There are many things in the world which you will never know unless you learn how to read and write. Knowledge is like a golden ladder that will take you into the sky; knowledge is the light that shines on our path through life and it leads us to the future and an eternal legacy”.
See more pictures from the exhibition in our gallery.