Savremena’s students host the Eco-quiz

Savremena International School hosted the Eco-quiz held on Wednesday, 24 February. Five best-ranked eco-school teams from all across Serbia competed, and Savremena’s students welcomed the participants at their school.

The Eco-quiz is one of the activities that combine education and entertainment to promote environmental values; the organisers of this year’s competition also included the Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development, and the Vip company. Savremena International School was in charge of the logistics, as one of the schools that are participating in the large-scale international Eco-Schools project.


Savremena’s students – support from the audience

DSCN8935The participants showed their environmental knowledge by answering questions from the quiz host, the young actor Ivan Zekić. To provide the quickest, best possible answers, the contestants followed the questions on the interactive board and used their iPads to provide their answers.

Savremena’s students were an excellent audience,cheering on and encouraging the participants throughout the quiz. By attending the quiz, they could expand their knowledge on ecology and learn new ways to protect the nature around them.

Satisfied guests, proud hosts

The contestants’ enthusiasm was aided by various gadgets available in the quiz, that allowed them to demonstrate their knowledge quickly and efficiently, and win prizes. All the competitor schools’ teams were excellent, and in the end the winner was Drinka Pavlović’s team.DSCN8963

Marta Jovanović, a member of the winning team, was thrilled by the way the veent was organised: Savremena International School organised everything so well; I like this great setting they provided for the quiz, and how they managed to make our answering easier through the use of technology.

Savremena International School’s students proved to be wonderful hosts; as young people thoroughly concerned for the environment, they emphasised how important it is to give a shared contribution to raising the awareness of how important it is to treat nature responsibly.

DSCN8942Anastasija Koruga, a student at Savremena International School, expressed how pleased she was with this event: I liked how the schools united, and that Savremena International School got the opportunity to be the host. I try to take care of the environment as much as I can; people should not just throw things away, but take all the measures necessary to preserve nature, because we only have this one planet that we share and it is our home.

The organisers were thrilled as well; Una Stanimirović from Vip said: It is a great pleasure to be at Savremena International School, which really surprised us with its technological capacities. The school has a lot to offer and it raises the education standards to a whole new level.

Raising awareness on the need for environmental protection

Savremena International School recently joined the international Eco-Schools project; this is just one of the numerous activities it plans to implement. Soon there will also be a club at the school, where the students will take part in a number of interesting and useful activities concerned with the preservation of the environment. The objective is for students to learn about how important each individual’s contribution is for building a better and healthier future for the entire planet.

You can see pictures in our gallery.

I am extremely pleased and proud to be the parent of a Savremena student. During my first encounter with the school management, when I asked about my child’s potential enrolment, I saw how much love, enthusiasm and professionalism you put in your work. I was impressed by your approach, ideas and methods. I couldn’t believe something like this existed in our country! It doesn’t take long to realise that this is a school you would recommend to everyone. Creativity, modern technology, top-quality education, and most of all, the humaneness that can be seen throughout the school, make it truly different and worthy of its name – Savremena Gimnazija. With such an approach, the success of this school and, consequently, our children’s success, is unavoidable. Congratulations! Jelena Đorđević, Andrija’s mum