In order to find out what processes are necessary for a company to function, Savremena’s students visit famous businesses during their business studies classes, simulate real-life business scenarios and actively participate in the creative lessons.
This time, Savremena’s students learned about the recruitment process by simulating a job interview.
Employee recruitment
For this task, students were divided into two groups, so that one group represented the employers, while the other was comprised of employees. After our modern business executives received info about the companies they represent, the position they are looking to fill and the required qualifications, they proceeded to think of interesting questions which would help them find the most suitable candidate for their imaginary company.
At the opposite end of the office table, the candidates received notes on which a number of characteristics were written down which they were supposed to embody or demonstrate. The groups were organised in such a way that each employer interviewed at least one candidate asking them the set of interesting questions they had prepared.
The candidate selection process
By writing down the answers they received from the candidates at the improvised job interview, Savremena’s young executives were able to form a clear picture of each candidate and thus make an informed decision on who to hire.
By summing up their impressions after the interviews, the employers were able to explain and justify their choice of questions and the answers and reactions the candidates gave.
Practical knowledge and success in a real business environment
By simulating a job interview, students were able to gain insight into all the things that are needed in the recruitment process and what factors influence the selection process the most.
In addition, students now know how to present themselves and their skills in the best possible way so that one day they can get the job of their dreams by acing the job interview.