Savremena International School, in cooperation with the Council for Religious Education of the Serbian Orthodox Church, has organised training for all religious education teachers in order to encourage them to enhance their lessons with modern technologies.
Modern technologies for interactive learning
Through a series of lectures and workshops, Savremena’s teaching coordinator and learning support assistant presented a number of educational applications to the RE teachers which they can use to make their classes more dynamic, interactive and interesting both at primary and secondary schools.
The RE teachers had the opportunity to try their hand at creating innovative and creative content for their classes with the help of modern technologies. The learned how to test students using Google questionnaires, how to create Kahoot quizzes, use Socrative for evaluation purposes and enrich a lesson using TED-Ed content.
Developing virtues together
We are very proud to have assisted both RE teachers and the religious community as a whole with this even. We firmly believe that through a successful cooperation with the Council for Religious Education we will continue to share knowledge, because we support the same core virtues and values.