What better way for the students to learn the official language of the Roman Empire than to re-enact the period in which it was in active use?
This is why Savremena’s students set out on a voyage through time and made the Roman Empire come alive during two interactive Latin language lessons, to solidify what they had already learned and expand upon their existing knowledge.
Savremena’s students as legionaries
During those two Latin language lessons, Savremena’s students made Roman military gear and decorated it using recognisable symbols. With a handmade armour, shield, sword and helmet, one of the students became a veritable modern legionary, to plentiful ovations by the multitudes who saw him marching through the school in this outfit.
Savremena’s students showed exceptional creativity and dedication, and went an extra mile to make each piece of equipment as realistic as possible. Caesar himself would have been proud of such a legionary.
“Building” a house from the ancient Roman times
The veracity of the proverb “Deeds not words”, or, in Latin, “Res non verba”, was demonstrated by Savremena’s students who worked on recreating a house from the Roman times in their Latin class.
Aspects of an edifice typical for the Roman times such as an atrium, cubiculum, exedra, peristylium, vestibulum came alive thanks to the savvy of Savremena’s students, and the words whose only home used to be the dictionary became visible, tangible shapes.
Boosting understanding through re-enactment
BY reviving the era during which Latin was in wide use, the students were able to visualise a number of the expressions they had learned about and thereby better understand their language materials.
Through their participation in yet another interactive Latin class, Savremena’s students have once again shown and proven that the Latin language is, in fact, not “dead” at all, and that learning Latin can be quite engaging and exciting.
More photos in our gallery.