Savremena International School students and their PE teacher Stefan Radojičić joined the large number of runners at the Fun Run on Saturday the 16th of April as part of the 29th Belgrade Marathon.
Savremena’s running team in the Fun Run
Ready and resolute to run the entire 5 kilometres of the Fun Run, Savremena’s students enthusiastically gathered on the start line. The race was officially opened by legendary Cuban runner Javier Sotomayor. Despite the heat and the large crowd, our modern team was in great spirits.
Led by their PE teacher, Anđela Despotović, Natalija Ranđelović, Anastasija Koruga, Nikoleta Đorović, Matej Trifković and Stefan Glišović demonstrated their sportsmanship and accomplished their goal by completing the race, all 5 kilometres of it.
An unforgettable experience for all students
During the race, Savremena’s students were encouraged and supported every step of the way by passers-by, spectators on balconies and entire families.
The great relationship between the students and their camaraderie is what made the Fun Run a truly unforgettable experience for everyone. Our students tried to reenact the atmosphere but they agreed that you just had to be there to understand how great it was.
Cultivating sportsmanship
At Savremena International School, we emphasise sportsmanship as well as other outstanding values.
The Fun Run is one example where we sought to encourage those values by giving students to push themselves beyond their physical and mental limits. Congratulations, out modern young athletes!