Sam Yang, the founder of the prestigious Kingdom Education organisation visited Savremena International School and told them about educational systems abroad and offered them a scholarship for the summer school organised by Kingdom Education.
An inspiring lecture by Sam Yang
The Success in Education, Work and Life lecture enabled students to learn more about educational systems abroad which is why they listened to Sam Yang’s presentation and advice with unwavering attention.
The founder of Kingdom Education shared with his school- and career-related experiences, inspiring them to follow his example and excel at whatever they pursue.
Scholarships for Savremena International School students
Highly impressed by the quality of the education offered at Savremena International School as well as by the work ethic, skills and knowledge of our students, the Kingdom Education organisation in cooperation with Savremena International School has decided to offer our students the unique opportunity to attend Kingdom Education’s summer school at university centres in the UK in July and August.
Savremena’s students, through our school, are able to apply for the Kingdom Education summer school scholarship while the best of the best will have the unique opportunity to spend an unforgettable summer in Cambridge, Durham, London and Sent Andrews.
Supporting students in their journey towards success
Savremena International School not only provides the best knowledge and skills but it also strives to secure a successful future for its students whether they choose to attend a university in Serbia or abroad.
We believe that this lecture, as well as that given by Peter Chapple last month from the same organisation will be of great help to students and who are in need of this type of guidance. We are especially looking forward to cooperating with Kingdom Education and offering our students scholarships for a bright future.