Savremena International School recently organsied an interdisciplinary day during which students were able to gain valuable insight into the refugee crisis through a number of discussions and workshops. While each subject looked at the topic from a different angle, in their Serbian language lesson students wrote letters of support and encouragement to the refugees passing through our country.
In order to ensure that their letters reach those they are intended for, our students visited the Asylum Protection Centre.
Letters of love and support
Having learned about all the difficulties and dangers refugees face on a daily basis, in their letters students expressed their empathy, love, support, encouragement and hopes for a better future for the refugees. For their kind sentiments to actually fulfil their purpose our students asked the Asylum Protection Centre to assist them in their mission.
Thrilled by this idea, the centre 's team was happy to welcome Savremena International School students and teach them more about the refugees. Students submitted their letters so that they can be handed to the refugees and during their visit they learned about the way the Asylum Protection Centre operates.
Developing critical thinking and empathy in students
All the insight our students attained during the interdisciplinary day and the visit to the Asylum Protection Centre helped them understand the situation in which so many people were forced to leave their homes and everything they knew behind.
Through activities like this, our students were able to take a critical and analytical look at the complexity of the refugee issue and they showed that they are responsible young adults full of love and support for those who need it the most.