On Friday, 29 June, Savremena’s students had the honour and pleasure to participate in the organisation of a reception at the White Palace. The following day, on Saturday, 30 June, they attended a workshop held by the renowned lecturer Christopher Thurber, after which they took part in a workshop and enjoyed a tour of the palatial complex.
Displaying organisational skills at the reception
Each year, the HRH Crown Prince Alexander Foundation for Education and Culture hosts a traditional reception at the White Palace. This year, Savremena’s students contributed to its organisation.
The students learnt how to organise large events and be exemplary hosts to the guests. In addition, through their behaviour, good manners and skills, they showcased the values fostered by their school, presenting Savremena in the best possible light. For this, they received praise from the White Palace’s organisational team.
Savremena’s students were particularly proud of the fact that among the best students from Serbia welcomed at the White Palace was their schoolmate Ivana Todorović, who received recognition for being the best student of her generation at International School Savremena.
Motivational speech by Christopher Thurber opens up new horizons
After an exciting day during which they learnt about the practical side to the protocol and organisation of a large event, on Saturday, Savremena’s students attended a motivational lecture and took part in a workshop held by Christopher Thurber, one of the best speakers in the world.
Thurber has written numerous books and articles on the development of young people, leadership, the role of parents in their children's upbringing, and other topics. This time, he talked about positive psychology and turning bad habits into good ones. At the interactive workshop, the students took the first steps in planning and organising their time and ideas.
New horizons opened up for them at the lecture, and the words of the well-known speaker inspired them to make better decisions that can change their lives. Savremena’s students actively participated in the interactive lecture during which they not only openly stated their opinion, but did so in English, proving that they come from an international school that fosters a bilingual approach.
A tour of the palatial complex for an all-round experience
The motivational lecture and workshop were not the students’ final activity at the White Palace. After the lecture, they enjoyed a tour of the palatial complex, viewing its historical exhibits and learning interesting facts about the palace. Afterwards, they had their photo taken with Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine.
Even though their summer break had already started, Savremena’s students decided to spend the first days of their break at the White Palace, once again proving their willingness to develop their skills and broaden their experience.