Students and teachers of Savremena Gimnazija have been awarded the European Quality Label for their work in the international eTwinning project titled "Heroe's journey", which is part of the Erasmus+ programme. This label signifies that the work of teachers, students, and collaboration with partners has met the criteria of the Quality Label Framework and has received a high rating. The project will be presented in a special section on the European School Education Platform.
The following teachers from Savremena Gimnazija collaborated on this project:
- Natalija Stanković – Latin;
- Darko Tmušić – History;
- Uroš Mihajlović i Marica Đurić – Philosophy;
- Ivan and Nevena Matejić – Geography;
- Marija Pilčević Tomašević – Serbian language and literature.
The foreign schools participating in this project were:
- IES Maestro Gonzalo Korreas, Spain;
- Ozejder Social Sciences High School, Turkey;
- Atatürk Anatolian High School, Turkey;
- IIS Maurolico, Messina, Italy;
- 1st Lyceum of Giannitsa, Greece.
Raising awareness of the culture and mythology of every part of Europe
The aim of this project was to raise awareness of the culture and mythology of every part of Europe based on the journeys that mythological and classical historical heroes experienced through our geography. Students from participating countries chose areas and characters that hold special significance for their respective countries, whether from legends or the real history of specific places. The idea was for all students to work in mixed groups to create a shared map of the mythological geography of Europe.
Throughout the project, technology was used to create a virtual route through each area. The result was a global collaborative project in which the mythical legends of each region, the cultural heritage of each civilisation, and the artistic heritage surrounding us were reconstructed. During the project, students used all the sources and information provided by new technologies and shared their learning experiences with other students from Greece, Spain, Italy, and Turkey.
The European Quality Label is just a confirmation of the high-quality collaborative work of the teachers and students of Savremena Gimnazija, further highlighting the fact that this school is truly different!