I am pleased to inform you about another humanitarian action carried out by the students of Savremena Gimnazija during the month of April. Namely, our students have demonstrated exceptional empathy and solidarity by collecting sweets for the children from the Shelter.
On Thursday, 25 April, we implemented this action by donating the collected sweets to children who are in difficult circumstances. This initiative is just one example of the active participation of our students in a wide range of humanitarian activities.
It is important to emphasize that this action is fully in line with the guidelines of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development, which emphasize the development of empathy in young people and the encouragement of humanitarian action aimed at building a better society.
Humanitarian activities like this have a deep and lasting impact not only on the recipients of aid but also on our students, encouraging them to think about social responsibility and the importance of providing support to those in need.
Savremena Gimazija is proud of its students who actively contribute to the community and takes the opportunity to support them in their efforts to create a better world.