Savremena’s unforgettable visit to Rome
Savremena’s students have recently returned from their first study trip to the Eternal City of Rome, where they visited Lido di Jesolo, San...

Spending time with seniors from the Fenix retirement home at Savremena International School
As part of a philanthropic project that our students designed themselves, they invited seniors from the Fenix retirement home on Voždovac to be...

A lecture by Sam Yang and Kingdom Education scholarships for Savremena’s students
Sam Yang, the founder of the prestigious Kingdom Education organisation visited Savremena International School and told them about educational systems abroad and offered...

Our students’ notable debut in the semi-finals of the rhetoric competition
Savremena International School’s students Mina Kovačević and Una Grzunov courageously spoke on Tuesday, 19 April and Wednesday, 20 April in the regional rhetoric...

Secondary School students from Gornji Milanovac visit Savremena International School
Last week, Savremena International School was a host to the young Secondary School students from Gornji Milanovac, who were eager to learn more...

An exciting PE class at an obstacle course in nature
Last week, Savremena’s students took part in a unique PE class. This truly different lesson took place in the Bežanijska kosa forest, where...

Savremena’s students at the Belgrade Marathon
Savremena International School students and their PE teacher Stefan Radojičić joined the large number of runners at the Fun Run on Saturday the...

A literary guide through Belgrade: following the steps of Danilo Kiš
At another interesting Serbian language lesson, Savremena’s students learned about the life and work of Danilo Kiš. In order to learn more about...

Making the Roman Empire come alive at interactive Latin lessons
What better way for the students to learn the official language of the Roman Empire than to re-enact the period in which it...

Sharing knowledge: New technologies in Religious Education
Savremena International School, in cooperation with the Council for Religious Education of the Serbian Orthodox Church, has organised training for all religious education...

A reprise of the Forgive me, Catherine play
Savremena International School students taking part in the drama club reprised their roles in the Forgive me, Catherine play on Wednesday the 30th...

A truly modern Latin competition
At a time when English, German and French are taught as compulsory subjects, it is rare to find a student who enjoys studying...

Savremena’s student won 4 medals in the national swimming championship
One of our students, namely Tara Ćulibrk achieved excellent results at the National Winter Swimming Championship, the most important swimming competition of the...

The latest technology arrives to Savremena International School
One of Savremena International School’s most prominent characteristics is the Intelligent Classroom concept, which implies that the students use new technologies in class...

Savremena’s student aces the international English language competition
At the beginning of March, Savremena International School had the honour of hosting the English language competition organised by the HIPPO association within...

Simulating a job interview at an interactive business studies lesson
In order to find out what processes are necessary for a company to function, Savremena’s students visit famous businesses during their business studies...

Savremena International School to have a representative at the national geography competition
On Sunday, the 19th of March, Savremena International School student Aleksandar Zaplatić achieved a huge success at the regional geography competition. Faced with...

Multimedia lesson in honour of the Get Online Week
Students of Savremena International School assume an active role in a number of educational and social activities and campaigns. This time, as a...

Savremena’s students at the Magnificent Worlds of Salvador Dali exhibition
Savremena’s students often enjoy their enlightening visits to different kinds of exhibitions and cultural events. As true art connoisseurs, they could not miss...

Our orators qualify for the “Slavoslov” semi-finals
After their successful debut in the round leading to the quarter-finals, this week and last week students Mina Kovačević and Una Grzunov participated...

Lecture by Kingdom Education at Savremena International School
To introduce and provide a detailed perspective into the foreign education system, representatives of the Kingdom Education organisation delivered a lecture in English...

Savremena’s students at the Literature Olympiad
On Saturday the 12th of March Savremena’s students Tijana Kostić and Dunja Nešković took part in the Literature Olympiad focused on Serbian and...

Savremena’s students mark the UniStem Day at the IMGGE
After the “Little School of DNAology”, Savremena’s students who eagerly awaited their next scientific adventure, made their way towards the Institute of Molecular...

A blend of knowledge and creativity at an interdisciplinary art and geography class
The interdisciplinary class entitled “Clouds and Creations” fused the ideas of geography teacher Ivan Matejić and art teacher Ana Manojlović, thus allowing Savremena’s...

Savremena’s students experiment with solutions during a practical chemistry class
Instead of learning about solutions and solvents through a presentation, Savremena’s students rolled up their sleeves, put on their lab gear and protective...

Students as German citizens in the 1920s
In order to revise what they have learned in history in the best possible way, Savremena’s students stepped into the shoes of different...

Savremena International School presented with additional accreditation
Savremena International School was evaluated against global education standards and formally accredited by Cambridge International Examinations. Now, in addition to being a Cambridge...

Savremena International School at the top regional conference New Technologies in Education
Savremena International School, as a part of LINK group, participated at the biggest regional conference and fair on “New Technologies in Education”, held...

Learning Spanish in an improvised Tapas bar
Learning a foreign language is at its most efficient when it is fun and when it simulates real life situations. This is why...

Interesting chemistry experiment for easy understanding of stoichiometry
Numerous chemical formulas and symbols become easy to remember and usable in everyday environment when the essence of their meaning and purpose is...

Year 9 students from Belgrade visit Savremena International School
On Friday, the 4th of March, Savremena International School welcomed primary school students who wished to find out more about the teaching approach...

Practical presentation of different types of leaders as a lesson in Global Perspectives
The best way to ensure that the students adopt the knowledge and not forget it the moment they receive a mark for it...

Award-winning class at Savremena International School
The teachers at Savremena International School continuously strive to improve the quality of their teaching and find innovative ways to impart knowledge to...

A visit to the “When women became citizens” exhibition
With International Women’s Day fast approaching, as we await the 8th of March, the more we think about the position of women in...

Savremena International School’s basketball team fought hard in the quarterfinals
On Wednesday, 23 February, Savremena’s basketball team participated in the municipal basketball competition, reaching the quarterfinals where they played against the team from...

Savremena’s students host the Eco-quiz
Savremena International School hosted the Eco-quiz held on Wednesday, 24 February. Five best-ranked eco-school teams from all across Serbia competed, and Savremena’s students...

Savremena’s students thrilled by the one and only Mihajlo Pupin
On Tuesday the 23rd of February and Thursday the 25th of February, Savremena International School Students had the opportunity to visit the...

Savremena celebrates the International Mother Language Day
On Monday, 22 February, the students of Savremena International School used mini-debates and exercises in search for answers to relevant questions pertaining to...

Savremena’s students solving conflicts around the world in a peaceful way
At Savremena International School, teaching is conducted in a way that follows the global trends in education as well as in other relevant...

Savremena’s students promote tolerance
Savremena’s students actively work on improving the community and society they live in. Through a number of initiatives and competitions, students promote and...

A different kind of business class: Students visit the Strauss Adriatic company
On Thursday, the 28th of January, as part of their business studies course Savremena International School students visited the famous Doncafé – Strauss...

A truly different geography class: A trip to the Pudarci village
The best way for students to master a subject is for them to study and apply it in a practical way. In order...

Savremena International School students as forensic scientists
Have you ever wondered how forensic scientists solve cases in crime shows? Sometimes, it’s like they visit the crime scene, wave a magic...

Savremena’s students at the Mr Nušić’s Birthday play
Visits to cultural events are a key aspect of the school life of Savremena’s students and they are also a unique opportunity for...

A lecture on the prevention of cyber bullying
In oder for students to understand the various kinds of consequences cyber bullying can have and to learn how to protect themselves from...

Audition for SGTubers
Become Savremena International School’s Tuber! On Friday, 15 January at 2:30 p.m. at Savremena International School’s Learning Centre, there will be an audition...

New Year’s Magic
Christmas and New Year holidays are time reserved for creative activities that boost the spirit of fellowship. This was the exact atmosphere which...

A contemporary visit to a museum
During the previous week, students of Savremena International School had a chance to acquaint themselves with the life and work of one of...

We congratulate our students on the significant results in swimming
Savremena International School swimming team, led by their PE teacher, Stefan Radojičić, had a debut on Wednesday, 9 December, at the city high...

Success of the Students of Savremena International School at the Rhetoric Competition
The students of Savremena International School, Anđela Despotović, Mina Kovačević, Una Grzunov and Viktor Anđelković represented their school at a rhetoric competition. All...

Presentation of Savremena International School’s students in the Museum of African Art
On Saturday, 28 November, our students visited the exhibition entitled “The border is closed” in the Museum of African Art. Especially for this...

Bloom's taxonomy
Bloom's taxonomy refers to a classification of the different objectives that educators set for students (learning objectives). It divides educational objectives into three...

PISA - Measuring student success around the world
It's a breathtaking concept -- but for the OECD, it's a very real way of finding out how well-prepared today's students are to...

10 stvari koje treba da znamo o PISA rezultatima
Odlično obrazovanje zahteva mnogo više od novca. Osim određenog nivoa troška po svakom učeniku ponaosob, bitan je i način na koji su sredstva...

Omiljene aplikacije i igrice za lakše i zanimljivije učenje
Uz popularne aplikacije, učenje na tabletima postaje lakše i interesantnije, učenici su maštovitiji, aktivniji na času, motivisani su da istražuju i uče, brže...

Idealan školski čas uz obrazovne tablet aplikacije
Da li možete da zamislite školski čas na kome istražujete planetu uz pomoć mapa Google Eartha i 3D Atlasa i učestvujete u čuvenim...

21st Century Skills
An attention-grabbing video about the skills we all need in 21st century.

21st Century Education
An interesting video about education in 21st century.

Above and Beyond
Created through collaboration by members of Partnership for 21st Century Skills and the talented folks at FableVision, Above & Beyond is a story...

The History of Technology in Education
A quick look at how advancements in technology have impacted teaching and learning over time.