Creativity in teaching arts
Arts classes in Savremena are not meant only for the talented students. Each class is designed in a way that all students can...
Fencing during PE classes
Teaching at Savremena International School is truly different and so are the PE lessons. We want to enable our students to test their...
Elections in Savremena International school
Students chose class presidents and vice presidents on democratic elections. On Wednesday, 20 October, the first electoral results regarding class presidents and vice...
Parents to receive SMS notifications on students’ attendance
Starting from late October, the parents of Savremena International School students have another important and useful benefit: every day, they will receive SMS...
Savremena International students at the sports games
Savremena International School has become a part of the sports games that will be held at the level of the Vračar Municipality, City...
Savremena International School celebrated School Day
On Friday, 9 October, Savremena International School celebrated the day of St. John the Theologian, its patron saint. Both students and employees welcomed...
Savremena’s students visited the Vinča archaeological site
Every history, art, music and world literature textbook begins with a lesson on the culture of ancient civilisations. In the previous month Savremena’s...
Truly different first school week at Savremena International School - Classroom without walls
Savremena International School students had their first outdoor public lesson – the Danube and the Sava rivers cruise. It was cheerful and noisy...
Savremena school year has begun
The best school year at Savremena International School has begun - not on the first of September, when the school year officially starts,...
The youngest students join Savremena Gimnazija through the M-E-S programme
After a great number of students successfully enrolled, on Saturday, the 5th of September, Savremena International School welcomed its youngest students into the...
Students thrilled with Savremena’s Summer school
Primary and secondary school students who registered on time, attend the unique Summer School programme provided by Savremena International School at 45 Šumatovačka...
CONGRATULATIONS to our young scholars!
Last week, Savremena International School had a wonderful, yet by no means easy task of awarding scholarships to a select number of brilliant...
Savremena International School is now a Cambridge Global Perspectives School
Apart from providing an unmatched learning experience, Savremena International School is also among the few Cambridge Global Perspectives schools in the region. What...
Bloom's taxonomy
Bloom's taxonomy refers to a classification of the different objectives that educators set for students (learning objectives). It divides educational objectives into three...
PISA - Measuring student success around the world
It's a breathtaking concept -- but for the OECD, it's a very real way of finding out how well-prepared today's students are to...
Omiljene aplikacije i igrice za lakše i zanimljivije učenje
Uz popularne aplikacije, učenje na tabletima postaje lakše i interesantnije, učenici su maštovitiji, aktivniji na času, motivisani su da istražuju i uče, brže...
Idealan školski čas uz obrazovne tablet aplikacije
Da li možete da zamislite školski čas na kome istražujete planetu uz pomoć mapa Google Eartha i 3D Atlasa i učestvujete u čuvenim...
10 stvari koje treba da znamo o PISA rezultatima
Odlično obrazovanje zahteva mnogo više od novca. Osim određenog nivoa troška po svakom učeniku ponaosob, bitan je i način na koji su sredstva...
21st Century Skills
An attention-grabbing video about the skills we all need in 21st century.
21st Century Education
An interesting video about education in 21st century.
Above and Beyond
Created through collaboration by members of Partnership for 21st Century Skills and the talented folks at FableVision, Above & Beyond is a story...
The History of Technology in Education
A quick look at how advancements in technology have impacted teaching and learning over time.