Svi učenici koji pohađaju redovnu nastavu u Savremenoj gimnaziji dobijaju Paket Standard, koji podrazumeva:

    • korišćenje laptop računara tokom nastave u školi i korišćenje tablet uređaja u školi i kod kuće tokom školovanja;
    • komplet udžbenika, sveske, olovke i pribor za rad sa znakom škole;
    • koledž jakna sa znakom škole;
    • sportska oprema za učenike sa znakom škole (šorts, majica i trenerka);
    • dva časa dopunske individualne nastave nedeljno;
    • dva časa dodatne individualne nastave nedeljno;
    • dopunski mentorski rad sa profesorima i stalna mogućnost konsultacija sa predmetnim profesorom;
    • rad u školskim sekcijama;
    • organizovano učešće na sportskim i drugim takmičenjima;
    • korišćenje elektronskog dnevnika za učenike i njihove roditelje/staratelje;
    • korišćenje materijala sa nastave preko interneta;
    • korišćenje DL platforme za učenje;
    • pristup LINKedu TV platformi za učenje;
    • izleti, posete privrednim društvima, kulturnim i drugim manifestacijama na teritoriji Beograda – do 10 poseta tokom školske godine;
    • korišćenje školskog restorana i sale za rekreaciju u vannastavnom vremenu;
    • pomoć pri izboru fakulteta u Srbiji i besplatna priprema za polaganje prijemnog.
By 31st of July
from €485
from €5,817


 Pogodnosti i uslovi plaćanja

  • Mogućnost plaćanja na 12 mesečnih rata.
  • Popust od 5% za avansnu uplatu iznosa školarine u celosti za školsku godinu.
  • Popust od 2.5% za avansnu uplatu iznosa školarine za polugodište.
  • Dvoje i više dece iz iste porodice dobijaju porodični popust od 5%.
  • Dvoje i više dece roditelja zaposlenih u istoj firmi imaju korporativni popust od 5%.


  • Sve cene su navedene u evrima.
  • Plaćanje školarine se vrši u dinarskoj protivvrednosti prema prodajnom kursu Narodne Banke Srbije na dan uplate po ugovoru sa Savremenom gimnazijom.
  • Školarinu, osim roditelja, može plaćati i drugo pravno ili fizičko lice.

Savremena gimnazija

Enrolment for 2025/26 is underway!

Click on this link to apply »
I am extremely pleased and proud to be the parent of a Savremena student. During my first encounter with the school management, when I asked about my child’s potential enrolment, I saw how much love, enthusiasm and professionalism you put in your work. I was impressed by your approach, ideas and methods. I couldn’t believe something like this existed in our country! It doesn’t take long to realise that this is a school you would recommend to everyone. Creativity, modern technology, top-quality education, and most of all, the humaneness that can be seen throughout the school, make it truly different and worthy of its name – Savremena Gimnazija. With such an approach, the success of this school and, consequently, our children’s success, is unavoidable. Congratulations! Jelena Đorđević, Andrija’s mum
Contemporary in any sense of the word, our school offers functional knowledge and quality preparation for tertiary education in Serbia and abroad. Implementing modern and creative teaching in the classroom, where the teachers’ pedagogy and students’ performance are aligned with the highest academic standards for the high-school finals, our school develops linguistic, mathematical, scientific, artistic, cultural, technical and ICT competence, which is a prerequisite for further education and professional development. Teaching is supported by the interactive whiteboards and educational software, whereas practice exercises research and critical thinking.