Pursuant to Article 57 paragraph 1 item 1 in conjunction with Articles 44, 45, 103, 112-115 of the Law on the Fundamentals of the Education System (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 72/2009, 52/2011, 53/2013 and 68/2015), Articles 6 and 54 of the Statute of Savremena International School, the School Board of Savremena International School, Zemun, at the meeting held on 22nd of June 2016, adopted the following:


I General provisions


These Regulations determine student rights, obligations and responsibilities, the measures and procedures for determining the disciplinary and material liability of students, the types of breach of student obligations and disciplinary measures, the procedure for determining the disciplinary and material liability of students and the imposition of disciplinary measures, and the legal protection of full-time and part-time students of Savremena International School (hereinafter referred to as the School).


Organising the work of the School enables full-time and part-time students to freely fulfil their obligations while exercising their right to an education.


A student has the right and is obliged to attend lessons regularly, fulfil their academic obligations, behave in accordance with the school regulations and freely exercise all the rights stipulated by the law and the School’s general acts.

II Prohibition of discrimination, violence, abuse and neglect


Activities aimed at threatening, belittling, discriminating against, or singling out individuals or groups of individuals on the grounds of their racial, national, ethnic, linguistic, religious background or gender, physical and psychological characteristics, developmental and physical disabilities, health condition, age, social and cultural background, financial status or political views, and on any other grounds stipulated by the law that prescribes the prohibition of discrimination, as well as encouraging and not preventing such activities, are prohibited at the School.


The discrimination of individuals or a group of individuals involves any direct or indirect, covert or overt exclusion or limitation of rights and freedoms, unequal treatment or the failure to act or unjustified differentiation through lax discipline or giving precedence.

Special measures introduced for the purpose of achieving the equality, protection and progress of disadvantaged individuals or groups of individuals are not considered as discrimination.


The following is prohibited at the School: physical, psychological and social violence; the abuse and neglect of students; corporal punishment, insults and the sexual abuse of students or employees.

Violence and abuse involves all forms of once or repeatedly inflicted verbal or nonverbal conduct that results in an actual or a potential hazard to the health, development and dignity of a student or employee.

Neglect or careless treatment is the omission on behalf of the School or an employee to provide conditions for the proper development of a student.


The school is obliged to immediately report to a competent authority (the appropriate body of internal affairs, and the appropriate social or health care institution) if a student has noticeable signs of violence, abuse or neglect.


The physical violence referred to in Article 6 paragraph 1 of these Regulations implies: the corporal punishment of students by employees and other adults; any behaviour that can lead to actual or potential physical injuries to a student or employee; the violent behaviour of an employee toward students or other employees, as well as the violent behaviour of a student toward other students or employees.

Psychological violence implies the behaviour that leads to the temporary or permanent impairment of the psychological and emotional health and dignity of a student or employee.

Social violence implies the exclusion of a student from a peer group and from different forms of social activities at the School. It also includes the following: separating a student from others based on their difference, unequal treatment, not socialising with them, isolating, ignoring and rejecting the student on any grounds.


Any form of violence and abuse stated in Article 6 paragraph 2 of these Regulations committed by a student, their parent or guardian or any adult against a teacher, professional associate or other employee is prohibited at the School.


Criminal proceedings will be initiated against an adult student, a student’s parent or guardian for the violation of the prohibition referred to in Article 9 of these Regulations.

III Student rights, obligations and responsibilities

1. Student rights


The rights of students are realised in accordance with the ratified international agreements, the Law on the Fundamentals of the Education System and pertaining laws, while the School and all its employees are obliged to ensure their implementation, in particular the right to:

  • 1. high quality educational work that ensures the implementation of all educational principles and objectives stated in the Law on the Fundamentals of the Education System;
  • 2. respect of personality;
  • 3. support in comprehensive personality development, support for special talents and their affirmation;
  • 4. the protection against discrimination, violence, abuse and neglect;
  • 5. timely and complete information on issues of importance for their education;
  • 6. information on their rights and obligations;
  • 7. participation in the work of the School bodies in accordance with the Law on the Fundamentals of the Education System and pertaining laws;
  • 8. the freedom of association into different groups, clubs and the organisation of the Student Parliament;
  • 9. file a complaint and appeals related to their marks and the exercise of other rights pertaining to education;
  • 10. initiate the establishing of responsibilities of those involved in the education process if the rights stated in points 1 to 9 of this Article are not exercised;
  • 11. exercise all the student rights, the right to the protection and fair treatment of a student by the School, even when they breach their obligation stipulated by the Law on the Fundamentals of the Education System and these Regulations;
  • 12. a scholarship, student loan, accommodation and food at the student dormitory in accordance with the pertaining law.


The School is obliged to provide all the conditions for the exercise of the student rights referred to in Article 11 paragraph 1 of these Regulations.


A student, their parent or guardian can submit a complaint to the Principal in case of a violation of the rights referred to in Article 11 paragraph 1 of these Regulations, or in the case of inappropriate behaviour exercised by employees towards the student, within 15 days after the occurrence of the violation or behaviour.

The Principal is obliged to consider the complaint and in consultation with the student, their parent or guardian and the employee decide on it and take the appropriate measures, within 15 days of receiving the complaint.


An employee at the School is obliged to report any violation of student rights to the Principal or the School Board.

2. Student obligations


In exercising their own rights, a student is not allowed to threaten others in exercising their rights.

Students are obliged:

  • 1. to regularly attend lessons and fulfil their academic obligations;
  • 2. to abide by the school rules, the decisions of the Principal and of the School bodies;
  • 3. to work on acquiring knowledge, skills and values prescribed by the School’s Curriculum, to monitor their own progress and inform teachers and parents or guardians about it;
  • 4. to demonstrate their actual knowledge in the assessment process without the use of various forms of copying and other prohibited forms of assistance;
  • 5. not to disturb lessons and not to leave classroom without prior permission of the teacher;
  • 6. to respect other students, teachers and other employees at the School;
  • 7. to justify their absences on time, no later than one week after the date they returned to the School;
  • 8. to take care of School property, the cleanliness and aesthetic appearance of the School premises, as well as the property of other organisations during visits or while carrying out a part of the educational work;
  • 9. to come to the School appropriately dressed, while taking care of personal neatness and hygiene;
  • 10. to take care of the environment and act in accordance with the rules of environmental ethics.

IV Disciplinary responsibility of students


In case there is a student who violates the rules of conduct or does not adhere to the decisions of the Principal and the School bodies, or they are unjustifiably absent for five lessons, or a student whose behaviour threatens others in exercising their rights , the School is obliged, in cooperation with the student’s parents or guardians, to enhance the pedagogical work by implementing activities: within the homeroom council meetings, through the expert work of the Class Teacher, counselor, psychologist, and special teams, and when necessary, cooperate with the appropriate social and health care institutions in order to change the behaviour of the student.


A student can be held responsible for a minor breach of obligations stipulated by the Statute and these Regulations, for a major breach of obligations, which at the time of occurrence was prescribed by the Law on the Fundamentals of the Education System or the Law on Secondary Education, and for the violation of the prohibition referred to in Articles 4 to 10 of these Regulations.


A student, their parent or guardian are liable for the material damage the student causes to the School (or the company where block teaching takes place intentionally or out of sheer negligence, in accordance with the Law).


There is a minor breach of obligations, if a student:

  • 1. does not attend lessons regularly so that they are unjustifiably absent from up to 25 lessons during the school year;
  • 2. comes to the School or other places where the School organises and conducts educational activities inappropriately dressed for the given activities;
  • 3. does not take care of their personal hygiene and neatness, the hygiene of the school premises and other premises where educational activities take place;
  • 4. is not at their seat ready for the beginning of the lesson upon the sound of the bell that signifies its beginning, that is, if they are late to the lesson or leave the classroom or other school activities early;
  • 5. behaves in an undisciplined manner in the classroom and other premises of the School during lesons, testing as well as other forms of educational work within sporting, cultural and other activities;
  • 6. does not take care of their clothes, supplies and equipment, especially during the break;
  • 7. does not take care of the school property or the property of other organisations during visits or while a part of the educational work is conducted outside the School;
  • 8. fails to protect the report card, certificates or other public documents issued by the School from being damaged or destroyed;
  • 9. misuses a doctor’s certificate or sick note;
  • 10. does not show their parents or guardians the report card where the Class Teacher enters announcements, performance evaluations, disciplinary measures etc;
  • 11. smokes on the School premises;
  • 12. brings and uses a mobile phone and other means of communication, electronic and laser devices, which disturb class work;
  • 13. enters the staff room and other official premises without an invitation or permission;
  • 14. spends time in the hallways of the School during lessons;
  • 15. behaves toward other students, employees and other persons in an inappropriate, rough, and aggressive manner or in a manner similar to it;
  • 16. does not inform teachers on students’ absence when they are a student on monitoring duty;
  • 17. does not take care of students’ items, books and supplies or the hygiene of the classroom when they are a student on monitoring duty;
  • 18. does not report all damaged school or personal property and does not report any inadequacies before the lessons start to the Class Teacher or the teacher on duty when they are a student on monitoring duty;
  • 19. refuses to implement safety and security measures for the students of the School when they attend practical lessons, excursions, organised curricular or extracurricular activities outside the School;
  • 20. refuses to wear school uniform or wears the uniform under long-sleeved personal garments without the emblems of Savremena International School.
  • 21. violates the provisions of the Regulations on Plagiarism and Copyright Violations.


A major breach of obligations includes:

  • 1. destroying, damaging, hiding, taking out, correcting or entering data in the records kept by the School or other organisations or bodies;
  • 2. correcting or entering data into a public document issued by the School or an issuing body, or into a document issued by some other organisation;
  • 3. destroying or stealing School property, the property of a company, entrepreneurs, students or employees;
  • 4. using or encouraging, assisting and administering alcohol, tobacco, narcotics or psychoactive substances;
  • 5. bringing weapons or other objects that can be used to endanger or injure another person;
  • 6. behaving in a way that endangers the student’s own safety or the safety of other students, teachers and employees at the school that leads to their physical or psychological harm;
  • 7. using mobile phones, electronic devices and other objects for the purpose of violating the rights of others or cheating in the assessment process;
  • 8. unjustified absences for over 25 lessons and other forms of educational activities;
  • 9. frequent minor breaches of obligations during the school year, provided that the necessary measures for correcting such behaviours were implemented.

V Disciplinary procedure


Class Teachers, teachers or other persons that possess the information that a breach was committed are to inform the Principal that there is a valid reason to suspect that the student committed a major breach of obligations or a violation of the prohibition referred to in Articles 44 and 45 of the Law on the Fundamentals of the Education System.

A Class Teacher in the case referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article submits a proposal for the initiation of a disciplinary procedure to the Principal, which includes the information on the student, a description of the major breach of obligations or the violation of the prohibition, the time, place and manner of committing the breach and provides the relevant evidence.


If the reasons set out in the proposal for the initiation of a disciplinary procedure by the Class Teacher are justified, the Principal by issuing the conclusion initiates the disciplinary procedure.

A disciplinary procedure is an emergency procedure.

The conclusion includes the information on the student, the description of the major breach of obligations or the violation of the prohibition referred to in Articles 4 to 10 of these Regulations, the time, place and manner of committing the breach and any relevant evidence.


The conclusion referred to in Article 22 of these Regulations is submitted to the student, their parent or guardian, the Class Teacher, the professional associates or appropriate expert team.


The disciplinary procedure is conducted by the committee in charge of the implementation of the disciplinary procedure taken against students (hereinafter referred to as Committee) which is appointed by the Principal’s decision for each academic year.

The Committee referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article consists of 3 members, all of whom are teachers at the School. The Committee elects its chairman who convenes and presides over it. The Committee also elects its deputy chairman who performs the chairman’s duties in their absence.


The School informs the student, their parent or guardian and witnesses about the date of the hearing, if they were not notified about it by the delivered conclusion regarding the initiation of disciplinary procedure.

The Committee gathers evidence (it gathers student and employee statements, the accurate records of unjustified absences etc. ).

The Committee conducts the procedure in accordance with the rules of the general administrative procedure.

The Committee is obliged to hear the student, always in the presence of their parent, if they are a minor, read the witness statements to them, allow them to comment on those statements, and if necessary, enable the student to confront the witnesses.

Minutes of the disciplinary procedure are taken.

The minutes contain the information on the student, the description of the major breach of obligations or of the violation of the prohibition, the time, place and manner of committing the breach or violation, the established liability and the extent of the liability for the committed major breach of obligations, the existence of aggravating or mitigating circumstances etc.

The Committee conducts the disciplinary procedure and in cooperation with the Principal makes the proposal for the decision.

The student against whom the disciplinary process was initiated is not allowed to go on an excursion until the aid procedure is finalised.

In the event that the parent or guardian of the student against whom the disciplinary procedure was initiated fails to respond or show after two notifications are sent to them, the School shall refer to Social Services.

VI Pedagogical and disciplinary measures

When imposing any measure for the committed breach of obligations, the body competent for the imposition of measures will take into account: the gravity of the breach, the degree of liability of the student, the circumstances under which the breach was committed, the behaviour of the student, the behaviour upon the committed breach and other mitigating or aggravating circumstances.


For the breach of obligations or a violation of the prohibition stipulated by the Law on the Fundamentals of the Education System and these Regulations, the following measures can be imposed:

  • 1. for a minor breach of obligations, a pedagogical measure – a warning, a Reprimand by the Class Teacher or a Reprimand by the Class Teachers Council, in accordance with the Statute of the School;
  • 2. for a major breach of obligations, a disciplinary measure – a Reprimand by the Principal, or by the School’s Teachers Council, an expulsion from the School;
  • 3. for a committed violation of the prohibition referred to in Articles 4 to 10 of these Regulations, a disciplinary measure - termination of the student status at the School for the given academic year, without the right to continue their education at the same school.

A pedagogical measure is imposed on the student for a minor breach of obligations referred to in paragraph 1 point 1 of this Article, without conducting a disciplinary procedure.

The measure referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may be imposed on the student if the School has previously undertaken the necessary activities referred to in Article 16 of these Regulations.

If the School has failed to undertake the necessary activities referred to in Article 16 of these Regulations, it will undertake them before imposing the measure.


In cases when the undertaken activities result in positive changes in the student’s behaviour, the procedure will be terminated, unless the committed violation of the prohibition stipulated by Articles 4 to 10 of these Regulations represented a serious threat to another person’s integrity.


Measures referred to in Article 26 paragraph 1 points 2 and 3 can be imposed on the student after conducting the disciplinary procedure and establishing liability.


Pedagogical and disciplinary measures are imposed during the school year in which the breach of obligations was committed.


The student’s conduct mark is lowered due to an imposed disciplinary measure, however, their behaviour is monitored and their mark can be increased when positive changes occur in their behaviour.


When an underage student commits a breach of obligations or a violation of the prohibition referred to in Articles 4 to 10 of these Regulations, the School immediately informs the parents or guardians and includes them in the appropriate procedure.

1. Pedagogical measures


A warning is imposed for an unjustified absence from 9 lessons during the school year and other minor breaches of obligations.

A warning is imposed by the Class Teacher at the class meeting and entered into the report card.

A reprimand by the Class Teacher is imposed for unjustified absences from 10 to 15 lessons during the school year and other minor breaches of obligations.

A reprimand by the Class Teacher as a pedagogical measure is imposed by the Class Teacher at the class meeting and entered in the report card.


A reprimand by the Class Teachers Council is imposed for unexcused absences from 16 to 21 lessons during the school year and other minor breaches of obligations.

A reprimand by the Class Teachers Council is imposed by a majority vote in which all of the Class Teachers Council members take part at the proposal of the Class Teacher or any other member of the Class Teachers Council. The voting is public.

A pedagogical measure, a Reprimand by the Class Teachers Council is entered into the report book.

2. Corrective and disciplinary measures


A reprimand by the Principal is imposed for a committed major breach of obligations referred to in Article 20 of these Regulations.

After the disciplinary procedure is conducted and a major breach of obligations is established, the Principal imposes the Reprimand by issuing the reprimand decision.


A reprimand by the Teachers Council is imposed for unexcused absences from 22 to 25 lessons and frequent minor breaches of obligations referred to in Article 19 of these Regulations and committed major breaches of obligations stipulated by the Law on the Fundamentals of the Education System and Article 20 of these Regulations.

After the conducted disciplinary procedure and established major breach of obligations, the Teachers Council imposes, and the Principal adopts the decision on a disciplinary measure, a Reprimand by the Teachers Council.

A reprimand by the Teachers Council is imposed for unexcused absences from 22 to 25 lessons and frequent minor breaches of obligations referred to in Article 19 of these Regulations and committed major breaches of obligations stipulated by the Law on the Fundamentals of the Education System and Article 20 of these Regulations.

After the conducted disciplinary procedure and established major breach of obligations, the Teachers Council imposes, and the Principal adopts the decision on a disciplinary measure, a Reprimand by the Teachers Council.


An expulsion from the School is imposed for unexcused absences from more than 25 lessons and other forms of educational work and frequent minor breaches of obligations referred to in Article 19 of these Regulations and the second committed major breach of obligations stipulated by the Law on the Fundamentals of the Education System and Article 20 of these Regulations.


For the committed breach referred to in Articles 4 to 10 of these Regulations, the following disciplinary measure is imposed - a termination of the student status at the School in the given school year, without the right to continue their education at the same school.


The Teachers Council will decide on the disciplinary measures of expulsion from the School and the termination of the student status in a given school year, without the right to resume one’s education at the same school, аnd the Principal adopts the decision on the disciplinary measure.

VII Material liability of students

1. Student rights


In addition to disciplinary responsibility, the student is liable for material damages caused to the School.

The student who causes material damages intentionally or out of negligence is obliged to compensate for them.


The procedure for establishing the material liability of a student is initiated by the Principal’s conclusion.

The procedure for establishing the material liability of a student is conducted by the Committee appointed by the Principal.


The amount of damages is determined on the basis of the price list or the bookkeeping value of the asset, or the estimated value of the damaged asset.

Damage assessment is conducted by the Committee.


The Principal issues a decision on the material liability of the student, the amount of damages and the obligation of the student or their parent or guardian to compensate for the damage within a certain period of time, on the basis of the Committee’s proposal.

The compensation for the damages is paid to the giro account of the School or the company to which the damage was inflicted.


If the damage was caused by several students, the material liability of each student is established individually.

If each student’s role and share in a caused damage cannot be determined, it is considered that all the students who have caused the damage intentionally or out of negligence are equally liable and they will jointly compensate for the damage.


The student, their parent or guardian may file a complaint with the School Board, against the decision of the Principal on the material liability of the student within three days from the date of the receipt of the decision.

The School Board is obliged to make a decision on the complaint within 15 days from the date of filing the complaint.

The decision of the School Board is final.

VII Legal protection of students


The student, their parent or guardian may file a complaint with the School Board, against the imposed disciplinary measure for major breach of obligations or the violation of the prohibition referred to in Articles 4 to 10 of these Regulations, within three days from the date of the receipt of the decision on the established liability and imposed measure.


The School Board decides on the complaint referred to in Article 45 of these Regulations within 15 days from the date of the receipt. The complaint postpones the decision issuing by the Principal.

The School Board, in the second instance, is obliged to make a decision on the retraction of the expulsion decision or to confirm the expulsion with a separate decision.


A student who believes that the imposition of a disciplinary measure on the basis of final decisions or the lack of decisions by the School violated their rights stipulated by the Law or the prohibition referred to in Articles 4 to 10 of these Regulations (that affect the student status), can submit a request for the protection of rights to the Ministry of Education within 8 days of learning that their rights were violated.

Against a second instance decision on an imposed disciplinary measure, the student or their parent or guardian has the right to judicial protection in administrative disputes.

IX Transitional and final provisions


These Regulations shall come into force on the eighth day upon their publication on the notice board and the website of the School.

These Regulations, once they enter into force, repeal the provisions of the previous Regulations adopted on the 15th of October 2016.

President of the School Board: ________________________________________

Biljana Tadić Kuleto

Savremena gimnazija

Enrolment for 2025/26 is underway!

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I am extremely pleased and proud to be the parent of a Savremena student. During my first encounter with the school management, when I asked about my child’s potential enrolment, I saw how much love, enthusiasm and professionalism you put in your work. I was impressed by your approach, ideas and methods. I couldn’t believe something like this existed in our country! It doesn’t take long to realise that this is a school you would recommend to everyone. Creativity, modern technology, top-quality education, and most of all, the humaneness that can be seen throughout the school, make it truly different and worthy of its name – Savremena Gimnazija. With such an approach, the success of this school and, consequently, our children’s success, is unavoidable. Congratulations! Jelena Đorđević, Andrija’s mum
Contemporary in any sense of the word, our school offers functional knowledge and quality preparation for tertiary education in Serbia and abroad. Implementing modern and creative teaching in the classroom, where the teachers’ pedagogy and students’ performance are aligned with the highest academic standards for the high-school finals, our school develops linguistic, mathematical, scientific, artistic, cultural, technical and ICT competence, which is a prerequisite for further education and professional development. Teaching is supported by the interactive whiteboards and educational software, whereas practice exercises research and critical thinking.