Interesting observations and creative works of Savremena’s students inspired by the Epic of Gilgamesh
Students of Savremena Gimnazija approached the task of interpreting one of the oldest literary works in history, the Epic of Gilgamesh, in a...

Savremena Gimnazija students debated recycling and sustainable development
Students of Savremena Gimnazija participated in Global Education Week in an interesting and interactive way. Philosophy teacher Marica Đurić, and Sociology and Constitution...

Entrepreneurial skills of Savremena Gimnazija students
As part of the cooperation with the Regional Agency for Development and European Integration Belgrade, Savremena Gimnazija organised a workshop with the aim...

Savremena’s students took part in a European Youth Parliament session
Savremena’s students took part in the 48th regional session of European Youth Parliament Serbia (EYPS). EYPS is a non-governmental and non-profit volunteering organisation...

Savremena’s student Uroš Tirnanić wins first place in literary competition
Year 11 student Uroš Tirnanić won first place at the 4th literary competition “Grab a Book and Spend the Summer Worry-Free” the topic...

Savremena’s student Nađa Pevac won a prize in the art competition “On the Wings of Emotion”
Year 11 student Nađa Pevac participated in the art competition “On the Wings of Emotion” created by the Student Section of the Serbian...

Interesting Serbian Language and Literature lessons at Savremena Gimnazija
After covering the topic of regional language variation (dialects) in one of the Serbian lessons, the students were introduced to the Prizren–Timok dialect...

Interdisciplinary Spanish and Art lessons at Savremena Gimnazija
In October, Savremena’s students once again enjoyed unique interdisciplinary lessons. Together with Spanish and Art teachers, Milica Ivanović and Maja Živković, they had...

Savremena’s Y10 students discover successful learning methods
In October, Savremena’s pedagogue, Ivan Davidović, held a lecture for Year 10 students entitled “Learning Methods and Techniques”. The goal of this lecture...

Savremena students’ gift to kids – a park full of colours and joy
As part of the event “Let’s make the park more beautiful for our little friends”, organized by Roma Company, Savremena’s students and their...

Creative geography lessons for Savremena’s Y10 students
Lessons at Savremena Gimnazija are always creative, dynamic and interactive. This time, Year 10 students enjoyed a truly different geography lesson. Thanks to...

Savremena students' art projects on symbolism
Savremena’s students are constantly developing their knowledge in a truly different and interesting fashion through interdisciplinary and creative endeavors. As part of the...

Savremena’s outdoor lessons
Since 2015, Savremena Gimnazija has implemented an outdoor lesson programme. Outdoor lessons are an interdisciplinary blend of subjects through fieldwork, i.e. practical application...

Truly different English lessons for students attending the Combined Programme
Savremena’s students attending the Combined Programme enjoy the benefit of taking both National Programme and Cambridge International Programme subjects. One of the exams...

School Day and slava celebrated at Savremena Gimnazija
On Friday, 9 October, Savremena Gimnazija celebrated School Day and its slava, St John the Theologian, during a ceremony which included the bread...

Savremena Gimnazija part of the InnoSchool international project
Savremena Gimnazija proudly announces that this school year, we have become part of the InnoSchool Learning system – ILS. The ILS international program...

Sports Days at Savremena Gimnazija
Savremena Gimnazija continues to foster its students’ healthy lifestyle by organising outdoor sports adventures designed to develop their skills and team spirit. Year...

Another literary achievement by Savremena’s student Uroš Tirnanić
Uroš Tirnanić, Y10 student at Savremena Gimnazija, has continued his extraordinary run of literary achievements. At the 2020 edition of the international literary...

Great news: Jana Marinović got accepted to University of Toronto
The International School keeps providing you with positive and exciting news these days. One of International School’s super-achievers, Jana Marinović, got accepted to...

Cambridge Resource Plus – a free set of lectures for students of the International School
The COVID-19 epidemic and the declaration of the state of emergency in our country have confronted our teachers with a great challenge –...

Teaching mathematics online at International School
Even with all the digital resources at our disposal, teaching mathematics in an online setting is a challenge for two main reasons: The...

Online learning running smoothly at the International School
Although not physically present at the school, the students of the International School are equally as dedicated to their education. With the help...

The students of International School won Owlypia
After the wonderful success of Elena Ćuća and Una Ivanović, who were winners in the first round of the exciting international online competition...

Global Perspectives week marked at the International School
International School students had an opportunity to learn about the unique Global Perspectives programme last week. The school took part in a project...

Presentation of the Faculty of Economics at the International School
Students of the International School attended another interesting and useful presentation on Monday, 9 February, given by representatives of University of Belgrade’s Faculty...

Representatives of European Universities Consortium at International School
On Monday, 2 March, International School hosted representatives of European Universities Consortium (EUC). Year 13 students had an amazing opportunity to learn more...

Students of the International School visit FEST
On Wednesday, 4 March, International School students together with their Psychology teachers visited the popular film festival, FEST. The students watched the historical...

Students of the International School visited the Drop-In Centre
The students from the International School once again showed their humanity. On Friday, 28 February they visited the Drop-In Centre (Svratište) together with...

Students of the International School participated in MUN
The beginning of February was exciting for Year 12 students Uroš Jež and Luka Connolly. They participated in the first Model United Nations...

Amazing Valentine's Day party
On Thursday, 13 February, the International School threw a Valentine’s Day party to remember. The loVers and the loSers gathered at the Soul...

First professional tournament for Sava Radović
Another week, another sport success at International School Savremena. Savremena’s Year 12 student, Sava Radović, a tennis player, won his senior title in...

Young basketball player set to become a star
International School Savremena proudly presents Stefan Todorović, a Year 12 student who plays for Partizan and the Serbian National U18 team. He is...

Savremena's students at the Global Game Jam
For the third year in a row, International School Savremena’s team attended the Global Game Jam which took place this weekend at the...

Ice skating instead of regular PE lessons
International School Savremena’s students were given the chance to showcase their acrobatic skills on ice, as the school substituted regular PE lessons in...

Savremena’s student presented BIMUN
International School Savremena’s Year 12 student, Uroš Jež, gave a presentation and introduced BIMUN to his classmates. As a distinguished and experienced delegate,...

Marketing experts shaping our perception – interdisciplinary lesson
Another interesting interdisciplinary lesson at International School Savremena. This time, Art & Design teacher, Anja Jovović, together with Željko Ljiljak-Vukajlović, Psychology teacher, joined...

Jacobs University at International School Savremena
It is never too early to plan for the future. On Tuesday, the ambitious and dedicated students of International School Savremena were presented...

The phenomenon of Apple Inc.
On Monday, 13 January, International School Savremena’s Economics and Business students had an opportunity to attend a groundbreaking lecture given by Dr Miloš...

NEWS: Uglješa Pantelić cheered on at Youth Olympic Games
Our Uglješa Pantelić, a Year 12 student and an outstanding skier, has his fan club at Savremena, who kept their fingers crossed while...

School Science Fair at Savremena
The School Science Fair, which was held at International School Savremena, enabled Savremena’s students to enjoy their scientific adventure while discovering scientific phenomena....

Exploring French cuisine
Year 10 students who attend French lessons at International School Savremena enjoyed a lesson devoted to French cuisine with their teacher Marija Panić....

Christmas Project at Art and Design workshop
Christmas and New Year have always been symbolically powerful, carrying a sentiment of kindness. This is why Savremena’s Art and Design teacher, Anja...

Savremena’s students won Owlypia
International School Savremena provided its students with an opportunity to express their knowledge and compete with their peers from around the world. Year...

Savremena’s students prepared presents for the children at the Drinka Pavlović Home
Savremena’s students once again showed their kindness and helped children in dire straits feel loved and cared for. They provided gift baskets for...

Savremena’s principal lectures at the University of Oxford
The principal of International School Savremena and Academic Director of the Institute for Contemporary Education, Dr Svetlana Belić Malinić, was invited to present...

Foundation Perspektiva - Project by Jana Marinović
International School Savremena’s Jana Marinović is not only a straight A student, but also the co-founder of the Perspektiva foundation whose goal is...

Students of International School Savremena in the heart of gaming
Students of International School Savremena visited Games.CON on Sunday 8 December and together with their Mathematics and Computer Science Teachers had a blast....

Students of International School Savremena at summer camps
During the summer season students of International School Savremena took the opportunity to get acquainted with the most renowned universities in the world...

Proudly presenting… Savremena’s students awarded with a Cambridge Distinction
Education is all about stretching oneself and trying to do your very best in a limited time frame to impress examiners! When the...

Savremena welcomes EU Business School representatives
On Friday, 29 November, International School Savremena welcomed the representatives from EU Business School, who held an info session for Year 12 and...

International School Savremena’s students won TEN medals in swimming competition
International School Savremena’s Year 10 students Tea Ćulibrk, Anja and Mina Kaljević achieved excellent results at the 36 MM Grand Prix of Slovenia...

Popular Democracy - an interesting workshop in Savremena
On Monday, 18 November, International School Savremena welcomed the representatives from the Westminster Foundation for Democracy and the Faculty of Political Sciences, who...

A unique practical lesson at Savremena
Savremena’s Physics teacher, Ms Ana Vlašić, made sure that Year 11 students never forget the practical lesson that was held on Tuesday, 19...

International School Savremena’s students attend workshop
On Saturday, 16 November, Savremena’s Year 12 and Year 13 students, accompanied by their Economics teacher, Ms Marija Milić, attended a workshop organised...

Savremena’s students participate in the first Serbia Marathon
The first Serbia Marathon was held on Sunday 17 November with a spectacular finish at the Belgrade Štark Arena. International School Savremena’s Year...

Armistice Day at Savremena
On Tuesday, 12 November, Savremena’s Year 12 student, Uroš Jež, gave a presentation on Armistice Day, commemorated in Serbia on 11 November. The...

Stepping through the Portal into the world of gaming
Savremena’s students had a blast on 14 November when Physics and Computer Science teachers took them to Portal Gaming World. They were transported...

Savremena’s students visit the Adligat Book and Travel Museum
On Friday, 8 November, Year 10 and Year 11 students visited Adligat together with their History teacher. The students had an amazing time...

International School Savremena welcomes Webster University representatives
On Friday, 8 November, International School Savremena welcomed one of the representatives of Webster University, a private university located in Vienna. Year 12...

Physics empirical investigation
This week, Savremena’s Year 10 students conducted an empirical investigation in their physics lesson! They learnt about the behaviour of elastic springs. Hooke's...