Cambridge or IB − how to make the best choice?

International School is a renowned high school with impeccable reputation, and unique quality that allows students in Serbia to obtain internationally recognised diplomas and knowledge of the highest order. Given that it provides diplomas that open doors of the world’s best academic institutions, International School is, without a doubt, the perfect choice for ambitious young people.

Depending on the university your child wants to enrol in, they can choose between two international programmes – Cambridge and International Baccalaureate Diploma programme.

What is the main difference between the Cambridge and IB Diploma programme? Are both programmes taught exclusively in English? What do subjects/courses in these programmes look like, and what diplomas and certificates can students obtain?

You can find the answer to these questions, and to the most important question -

“Which programme is the best choice for your child?”

from our professional advisors by calling at 011/40-11-220, or filling out a non-binding online application form, after which, some of our advisors will contact you. You can also find answers to some of the questions you might have below.

Cambridge International

International Baccalaureate
Diploma programme



The student independently creates their own curriculum by choosing subjects/courses they want, and each subject is covered in detail.

English Language and Global Perspectives are compulsory courses, and the student can choose another 3 subjects/courses in line with their interests and affinities, as well as their professional aspirations.



A holistic approach; the curriculum is more comprehensive and comprises compulsory and elective subjects/courses.

The student chooses 6 different subjects/courses from different groups of subjects whereas the Core programme, which comprises Theory of knowledge (TOK), Creativity, activity, service (CAS), and Extended essay, is compulsory.




Assessment and grading

Letter grades range from U to A, A being the highest grade.



Numerical grades range from 1 to 7, 7 being the highest grade.




Recognised diplomas

The requirements for obtaining a Cambrigde diploma include passing a minimum of 3 A Level exams from the Languages, Science and Humanities + Global Perspectives groups.


To obtain an IB diploma, the student needs to pass all 6 subjects/courses, Core programme, and have a total score of 24 points (including the Core programme).




Cambridge certificates for individual subjects/courses are recognised worldwide.


IB diploma and certificates for IB Diploma subjects/courses (DP Course Results certificate) are recognised worldwide.



Student interests and preferences

Cambridge A Levels is suitable for students who have already made a decision regarding their continued education, because they can choose individual, specialised subjects/courses to study, without “wasting” their attention and capacities on things that do not interest them.


In the IB Diploma programme, students can choose subjects/courses to study in detail, but there are also courses that are compulsory in order to acquire comprehensive knowledge and meet the diploma requirements.



Student competencies

The Cambridge programme is focused on the development of critical thinking, analysis and research. International School seeks to develop all other skills through numerous and diverse extracurricular activities we organise.


The IB Diploma programme is aimed at developing critical thinking, digital competencies, and psychosocial skills thanks to the Core programme. In addition to extracurricular activities, these skills are also developed through the regular curriculum at International School.



Studies abroad

The Cambridge qualifications are an excellent choice for specialised study programmes (medicine, engineering, etc.), which require extensive knowledge of particular subjects/courses.

Students who choose this programme largely continue their education in Europe.


The IB Diploma programme is the first choice for students who are still unsure about what field they want to study at university/college.

The IB Diploma programme is mostly chosen by those who want to study in America, but the IB Diploma is becoming increasingly popular in Europe and Asia as well.




The programme is English-only, whereas the curriculum is international and universal for all countries that implement the Cambridge programme.


The programme is English-only, but students can choose Serbian as one of their subjects/courses. The curriculum integrates content from students’ native countries (e.g. Serbia, USA, Russia, etc.).




Exams take place in the June/November exam period, and students sit all components of the exam in specific exam periods.


Exams take place in the May/October exam period, and all subjects/courses include Internal Assessment – the exam component that students are required to work on throughout the school year (research).



The Cambridge programme is the perfect choice for those young people who know exactly what they want to do even in junior elementary, and who want to specialise in a particular field. If you want to study medicine or engineering, or if you have an idea what field of science you want to pursue after high school, then you should learn more about the Cambridge programme, which offers specialised knowledge for students who have a clear vision of their academic and professional future.

Learn more about Cambridge programme here »

If you are still not sure where you want to go after finishing high school – do not worry, because International School offers the IB Diploma programme which enables you to obtain comprehensive knowledge and general skills, which will prove useful whatever field of study you decide to pursue. The IB Diploma programme is the best choice for students with diverse interests, who want interdisciplinary education that will allow them to choose between different colleges/universities after graduating high school.

Learn more about IB Diploma programme here »

Enrollment for the new class is underway!

Choosing a good high school will have an impact on all aspects of your child’s future life. Quality education does not only involve knowledge acquisition on the part of students, but also commitment on the teachers’ part. In addition to obtaining knowledge that will open the doors of the world’s most prestigious universities, and a successful career one day, your child should, first and foremost, grow up to be a good person, and this is where we come in.

Therefore, it is time to make the right decision and enrol your child at preferential enrollment terms.

Register now, or call us at 011/40-11-220 and provide your child with an education that will ensure their successful professional future >>

Savremena gimnazija

This program is performed at the International School, which, like Savremena Gimnazija, is part of LINKgroup Edu Alliance.

Enrolment for the class of 2024/25 is underway! Register here »
I am extremely pleased and proud to be the parent of a Savremena student. During my first encounter with the school management, when I asked about my child’s potential enrolment, I saw how much love, enthusiasm and professionalism you put in your work. I was impressed by your approach, ideas and methods. I couldn’t believe something like this existed in our country! It doesn’t take long to realise that this is a school you would recommend to everyone. Creativity, modern technology, top-quality education, and most of all, the humaneness that can be seen throughout the school, make it truly different and worthy of its name – Savremena Gimnazija. With such an approach, the success of this school and, consequently, our children’s success, is unavoidable. Congratulations! Jelena Đorđević, Andrija’s mum
Contemporary in any sense of the word, our school offers functional knowledge and quality preparation for tertiary education in Serbia and abroad. Implementing modern and creative teaching in the classroom, where the teachers’ pedagogy and students’ performance are aligned with the highest academic standards for the high-school finals, our school develops linguistic, mathematical, scientific, artistic, cultural, technical and ICT competence, which is a prerequisite for further education and professional development. Teaching is supported by the interactive whiteboards and educational software, whereas practice exercises research and critical thinking.