Milica Ivanović
Spanish teacher Milica Ivanović obtained a bachelor’s degree from the Department of Iberian Studies at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade. She’s currently writing her master’s thesis entitled “The Use of Modern Technology in the Classroom”, and she’s planning to enrol into the PhD programme. She gained work experience as a Spanish and English teacher in private language schools in Belgrade. Milica also worked as a simultaneous and consecutive interpreter at the Mexican Embassy in Belgrade, for which she received praise and recommendations from His Excellency the Ambassador of Mexico in Serbia, José Evaristo Ramón Xilotl Ramírez. She is particularly proud of this accomplishment.
Her career goal is to help the education of young people and she believes a teacher must be flexible, creative, innovative and objective, and equipped with motivational skills. An interactive and tech-based approach is the essence of her lessons at Savremena Gimnazija. Moreover, by spreading a love of the Spanish language and culture, she strives to broaden her students’ horizons.
Milica is a fan of Spanish language and culture, but also dance. She practices Latin and Caribbean dances and used to be an instructor. She is also an active member of the Association of Hispanists, where she took part in various workshops and projects. Milica is a self-taught artist, and uses her spare time to be creative and work on her little works of art. She considers herself to be a cosmopolitan and optimist.